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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Nichiren's literal interpretation of the Lotus Sutra is at odds with Daisaku Ikeda's and Josei Toda's.

The Treatise On Protecting The Nation by Nichiren Daishonin reads:

“Again, it is written, 'Whosoever receives and keeps this Lotus Sutra, reads it, correctly bears it in mind, practices it, writes and copies it, let it be known that such a person beholds Sakyamuni Buddha face to face, and hears the words of this sutra directly from the Buddha’s mouth. Such a one thus, also venerates Sakyamuni Buddha in person.'

This passage means that the Lotus Sutra and Sakyamuni Buddha are one. For those who don’t believe in the Lotus Sutra, Sakyamuni Buddha has gone to extinction and does not appear anymore, but for those who believe in this sutra, even though it is said that he has gone to extinction, the Buddha is present in this world.

Again it is written,

'After I have attained Buddhahood and have gone on to nirvana, if there is any place in the ten directions where the Lotus Sutra is preached, with my stupa, I will be there and manifest myself in that place to hear the sutra being preached, and will attest to the truth of the sutra.'

This passage means that when we ordinary beings of this latter age of the dharma recite the august title of the Lotus Sutra, Prabaratna Tathagata, on account of his vow, will come and be present.” (STN 1, 123: 8–14-9)

1 comment:

  1. In light of these Gosho passages, I would think that the SGI's guidance to "chant to unite with Sensei's heart" is pretty straight up slander of the Lotus Sutra. But I think it should also be noted that following this guidance of the SGI is like inviting *demons* to possess one's body and mind--- and based on the behaviors of a good many SGI leaders and members this seems to be proving the case.

    Just as one needs to be exercise discretion regarding the teaching one places faith in ; one needs to be cautious regarding *who* one is inviting to be present in one's life. This accords with reason.

    “Again, it is written, 'Whosoever receives and keeps this Lotus Sutra, reads it, correctly bears it in mind, practices it, writes and copies it, let it be known that such a person beholds Sakyamuni Buddha face to face, and hears the words of this sutra directly from the Buddha’s mouth. Such a one thus, also venerates Sakyamuni Buddha in person.'"

    The mentor/disciple teaching combined with the SGI's guidance focusing on Ikeda when chanting IS slander of the Law, --- accords with to the Lotus Sutra.

    What an "odd" way to propagate Nihiren's Buddhism...if , in fact, propagating Nichiren's teachings actually was the purpose of the SGI---When will SGI leaders get around to telling the members about *this* change??

    I wonder...
